The smart home management app has yet another set of features and bumps up FIBARO smart home performance even more.
There are 8 major features with the 1.2 update:

1.Light intensity control in RGB devices – a slider has been added under the bar presenting the light range to set the desired intensity level (0- 100%)
2.Rooms batch view – a preview of all rooms where the FIBARO smart home system has been installed. By taping the room user wants to preview (e.g. kitchen) a list with all room details and its available equipment is presented.
3.The order of rooms and devices in the app – 1.2 update sets up an order that corresponds to a desktop version order of FIBARO app.
4.Arm or disarm all alarms at home – this feature will also be available from one main slider located in the FIBARO alarm dashboard.
5.Automatic app layout – optional switching from Light Blue/Silver to Night Mode (Dark Blue) will be adjusted based on the location and time of sunrise and sunset. User can decide whether the app appearance is bright or dark.
6.Dynamic categories for smart home devices – compatibility with the app’s desktop version, the ability to assign a defined device for each category i.e. lighting, roller shutters and gates, mood, security, protection and multimedia.
7.Viewing critical notifications on iOS devices – push notifications can be displayed even after you set the “do not disturb” function on your smartphone. Detected threat notifications apply to devices that protect the life and health of users: CO sensor, smoke detector and flood sensor. The feature works only if the desktop app is properly set up and consented in the mobile app.
8.Sending a photo from the camera to the user’s mail.
For the best experience of using the latest FIBARO smart home mobile app, further updates will be released on monthly basis. Expect further improvements and new features of FIBARO smart home app soon.
The FIBARO Home Center app is available for iOS and Android devices.